A review by wisecraic
Diana and the Island of No Return by Aisha Saeed


**I was provided an electronic ARC from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for honest review.**

Aisha Saeed brings the first of a new series of middle grade adventures surrounding Wonder Woman. Princess Diana, age 12, maintains that she is ready to begin Amazon warrior training, but her mother would like for her to wait until she is older. When all of Themiscyra is put to sleep and a boy shows up on the island, Diana and her best friend Sakina must accompany the boy to his island to set things right for both of their people.

This was definitely a book I would have enjoyed when I was in the target age range of the novel. I am always excited for more novels making classic superheroes accessible to all ages in new ways. The writing was fast-paced and easy to follow, and there was a lot of room made for Diana to grow into her power in the sequels. However, even considering the intended audience, everything was a bit too easy for Diana and crew for my taste.

I do not think that this particular story is my favorite Wonder Woman story, or the most memorable, but I am still happy to have read it and am excited for the addition into the DC Universe.