A review by athomewithbooks
Other Worlds by Rick Riordan, Jon Scieszka


While I did not read this book, my twelve-year-old son did, and he loved it. He likes to pick out his own books and usually if I recommend something to him he won't read it. This was a rare exception. I gave it to him and said, "I saw this online somewhere. It's supposed to be stories that guys will like. Read it, don't read it - I don't care. I just thought you might like it." (Trying reverse psychology this time.)

And the boy devoured the book over the course of three evenings. I asked him which stories he liked best, and he went down the list saying, "I liked that one, and that one, and that one." etc. Pointing to almost all of the titles. He made sure to tell me that there was a Percy Jackson story included too, since that was a series that I read to the boys last year.

Then he said, "But mom, there was one story that was so good!" And he pointed to the one at the bottom of the list - and it was by Ray Bradbury. He went on and on about how cool the story was, explaining the details to me. And I was giddy. My son read his first Ray Bradbury story and loved it! I love this book for that fact alone.

And then we went down the list of stories together and I got to tell him about other fun books that I've read by some of the authors (Rebecca Stead,Shannon Hale, Neal Shusterman,Shaun Tan, and of course Ray Bradbury). Now he's eager to go out find their books at the library.