A review by rallly
The Way of Integrity: Finding the Path to Your True Self by Martha Beck


I read this book slowly and took a lot of the exercises pretty seriously. There are a lot of great questions and exercises, especially toward the beginning, that help you get in touch with your inner guidance and desires. Some of these exercises, namely confronting someone who I thought had done me wrong, were really important. However I felt as I got through the end that I lost a lot of interest in things like enlightenment and miracles and coincidences and stuff like that. It’s not that I don’t believe in them, just not rly what I wanted from the book. Also sometimes she casually says “if living your truth means you’re in danger bc of oppression, good luck!” And I just think those particular types of situations needed more nuance and care. Not everyone can just spill endless truths without putting their lives in danger. Overall worth a read, I will be saving some of the questions to use as reconnection tools for the future.