A review by pixiewilo
The Brilliant Light of Amber Sunrise by Matthew Crow


Once I picked up this book I couldn't put it down, I had completed it in a day, it kept me interested, there was no lull, there was no pity party. The books topic is incredibly sad, but actually there were so many parts of the book the book where I was laughing as I was reading that at times I forgot the topic was so serious.

The book has been compared to The Fault in Our Stars, I find this an unfair comparison, other than the topic being teenage cancer there were not many parallels in the book, which I am grateful for, I think its always a tough call when they start comparing books because fans of one book ultimately want another book to be just like it and then feel let down.

Amber is a loveable character with wit and a strong view on life, she is the daughter of a single mum who's a crystal loving hippy. Whilst Francis also from a single parent family but has an older brother, narrates this story wonderfully hes truly one of my favourite characters in a long time.I love the relationship he had with both his mum and his brother.

There's something very british about this book, maybe with it being set in the North East, maybe its in the writing, or the story itself, but I really loved it, the story does touch on cancer, but its so much more than that, its about living life even when lifes handed you some tough cards. It's not melodramatic or falsely cheery either, the balance is perfect instead it feels like you have a unique opportunity to see how they cope with the ups and downs as they happen, as people live every single day desite all types of struggles and dramas.

Its a must buy book, but seriously, don't go comparing this book to The Fault in Our Stars its not fair to either book.