A review by grimboj
The Complete Fiction by S.T. Joshi, H.P. Lovecraft


Initially I just wanted to read Dunwich and Cthulhu but started giving the whole book a go after enjoying them. Innsmouth and Mountain of Madness were enjoyable along with some others.

I enjoyed some parts of this book and after reading the first 1,000 pages I would say I gave it a fair go but ultimately some of the stories are quite poorly written and simply dumping all of Love-crafts works in alphabetical order doesn’t make for an easy to read book.

Dream-Quest and Dexter Ward were particularly bad, I couldn’t get 1/4 into them. Dream-Quest read like religious scripture.

Even the stories I enjoyed got very samesy. Academic learns of some weirdness in his state, goes to see it and finds Necronomicon on the book shelf, invisible monster lurks, turns out to be 8ft tall prawn/cucumber/cone/frog. Academic proceeds despite obvious danger then somehow gets away but is left traumatised.