A review by becsbookshelf
All That is Lost Between Us by Sara Foster


“I’m waiting to hear the engine spring to life. But nothing happens. Of course. The bloody battery is dead.”

Lies, lies and more lies. Georgie has a secret that she can’t bring herself tell anyone. She decides it’s time to tell her best friend, then suddenly in a freak accident happens and you best friends left in a critical condition leaving Georgia traumatised and her secrets pushed aside.

Georgia’s mum is the school psychologist and while she’s great at her job she has no idea how to triage her daughter when she’s in need of support. Meanwhile her father Callum is seething in his own guilt and her younger brother Zac found somethings he shouldn’t have.

Zac try’s everything to stop the chaos before it unfold and his sister becomes the talk of the school. Just when life couldn’t get any more complicated, another lie unfolds and now someone’s out to get Georgia. Will the family mend their relationships and come out of this alive?

I love Sara Foster and have enjoyed working my way though her backlist. This book was full of twists and turns and I loved every part of the family drama that unfolded.