A review by tessa_talks_books
Last Seen Alive by Joanna Schaffhausen


Last Seen Alive by Joanna Schaffhausen is an edge-of-your-seat thriller about a serial killer, the media’s obsession with him, and the only survivor from his path of destruction.

This is the 5th book in the Ellery Hathaway series but can easily be read as a stand-alone novel (as I did) because there is just the right amount of back story provided. This makes it very easy to fall right into it. Of course, the challenge is that once you finish it, you will want to go back and read the first four – you are going to love it that much.

Ellery is so relatable, which is impressive considering her history. She has qualities that just made me gravitate toward her and stay on her side even when she made some foolhardy decisions. She works very hard not to let past tragedies define her, and I found that very easy to understand and root for. And Reed Markham…well, he is the quintessential hero you can’t help but like.

The pacing is so quick that, even though the book dives into the horrific killings of the serial killer, Francis Coben, I barely had time to dwell on the violence as the story jets on to the next thrill, the next puzzle, or the next revelation. I appreciated this as I can only stomach so much graphic violence.

Lastly, I loved the ending…absolutely, positively, loved the way it ended. To end such a dark story on a heartwarming positive note was just genius, and I totally ate it up and wanted more.

If you are looking for a fast-paced thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat and leave you with a happy heart, you won’t want to miss this incredible story by Joanna Schaffhausen – Last Seen Alive.