A review by becsa
Dangerous Vow by S.R. Jones


Giovanni Bianci has always known that he has wanted Amelia and now the time has finally come for him to bring her to his home and work for him. Yet he knows how much he wants her but must be careful not to scare or push her away.

Amelia Marshall was in danger of losing everything with the death of her father and knows she has no interest in marrying Jeremy but is going to consider it so she doesn't lose her house. Yet when the most incredible job offer comes in she knows she must take Giovanni up on his offer, although she remembers the warnings her father gave about the man.

Giovanni knows that his library is the way to Amelia's heart and he will do whatever he can to keep her there. Yet he also knows he walks a tricky line with the damage her father did with not repaying what was owed to him to other people.

Can Giovanni find a way to prove to Amelia that he has her best interests in mind or will she just become a prisoner in his home?

This was such a good book and I can't wait for the next one!!

I think I really do like Giovanni even though he can be so dark and broody. It's obvious that he truly cares so much about Amelia but he is in a dangerous line of work, even as the banker, and I just don't think he has been in any real serious relationship before or something as sometimes he just did the dumbest things.

Amelia was so sweet and innocent but she also never forgot about Giovanni from when they first met and although he scared her, she struggled saying no to him. I absolutely loved her passion for books and his library seems like the kind of things where dreams are made.

I am really curious about what is going on with Amelia's grandma as Amelia is terrified of her and her grandma doesn't seem to fear Giovanni at all.

I was glad that they found out who was behind the unsavory things being done locally but I am definitely freaking a little bit about what is to come with that.

I thought Giovanni's plan of showing Amelia the business side of things definitely backfired and I can see things heading south for sure now!

Can't wait to see what's next!!