A review by jolinsdell
Pressure by Betsy Reavley


Having read other reviews for this book I had high hopes for Pressure. Having read the book I have mixed feelings about it. I love psychological thrillers and this book definitely kept me turning the pages, and guessing about who the killer was and why.
The story hopped around a lot; chapters from different characters points of view, scenes from the past of the "child"... it was hard at times to remember which character I was seeing things as. That said, the scenes of the child were done really well.
Then there's the ending. I was left with questions unanswered, and a sense of not really knowing what happened to him (trying to avoid putting in spoilers so won't go into details. When you read it you'll understand what I'm talking about).
Anyway, like I said, I have mixed feelings about this one. Despite it's con's, the pro's make it worth reading.