A review by unruhe_
The Complete Gillian Flynn: Gone Girl, Dark Places, Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn


Read this book.

I love dark, twisted stories. I'm not always a fan of the first person perspective, but this was incredibly well done. Camille is a very complicated character, and is so well written that it's easy to identify with her, as screwed up as she is.

Camille's interactions with others are painted by her experience. It's interesting to see how she views herself, and what she thinks about her family and former friends in Wind Gap.

One thing I was a little confused with, is how the synopses questions her past, and how Camille is seeking to find out what really happened. There is quite a bit of thought given to Camille's past, but the focus really isn't on her trying to recover lost memories. She's trying to uncover what is currently happening to these little girls, while at the same time coping with the memories of Wind Gap.

Some parts of the book were a little hard to deal with - notably, Camille talking about cutting. If this is something that is triggering for you, be very wary of this book. While Camille is recovering, she is very frank and thinks frequently and graphically about her self-mutilation. Even though I knew about this content ahead of time, it was still jarring.

Overall, I loved this book. Once I started it, I actually stayed up until 3:30 am to finish it. It's twisted and fucked up, which is really refreshing to read from the perspective of a female narrator.