A review by vanessakm
Nine 1/2 Weeks by Elizabeth McNeill


I had forgotten I had read this until my (delightful) GR friend Robin mentioned it.

And let's be real, any woman who read this did it for one reason:

No, shhhhh. Don't Google "Mickey Rourke today."

It's safe to say "erotica" is not really my jam, but when I heard there was a book of this movie, I had to read it. The book is a much more stripped down, supposedly true story written under a pseudonym about...I don't know what you'd call it? Light S&M affair maybe....that lasted as long as the title.

I don't remember this being as cringily emotionally abusive as the movie (like John paying a ferris wheel operator to strand Elizabeth at the top on their first date which, girl), but it also went into some details that were just as well kept out of the movie (I'm just going to say "tampon" and leave it at that.)

Speaking of cringey, about 10 years later Mickey Rourke did a shit-tastic soft porn movie called Wild Orchid where I'm convinced he styled and dressed himself. This is a guy who would strand a first date at the top of a ferris wheel (and maybe, give her HPV):

A sports coat and no shirt? What occasion is he even dressed for?