A review by inthelunaseas
The Writing Class by Jincy Willett


I was encouraged to read this book by a friend, who a value the opinion of very much. I was told this book would be good, and, having found this friend's opinion to be reliable in the past, I was looking forward to reading it.

And I would have liked to have enjoyed this book. The cover itself is quite witty, and a rather good reflection on the typical people you would find in a class.

Unfortunately, I felt the story fell flat. The characters were one-dimensional on the most part, and I felt the Sniper to be rather contrived. I couldn't find myself striving to connect with the main character, Amy, especially given her rather melodramatic, self-pitying monologue towards the end. The moment something interesting is revealed about a character (Dot, Edna, Carla, even Syl), they're immediately shoved away and they're never brought up in that context again. I felt at times the book just lumbered on, until two hundred pages in, the plot really started.

That's not to say it's poorly written, but I didn't get anything out of it. It would have worked better with the mystery starting earlier on and a deeper reflection on the characters. Disappointing.