A review by exorcismemily
Daymares by Kenya Moss-Dyme


"End of the shift - the best part of the job. If you made it to the bottom half of the clock with all of your limbs and no brand new holes in your body, then you had a great day."

Daymares is a collection of 7 short stories from Kenya Moss-Dyme, and it was such a fun read. I was introduced to Kenya's work in the Black Magic Women anthology (edited by Sumiko Saulson), and I was so happy to find out that she had a collection.

Each story opens with an author's note, and I love having this insight into what the story means to the author, or where their head was at when they wrote it. I think it makes the collection feel a little more personal, even if it's just a small paragraph.

Daymares has a lot of child-based horror, so just be aware if you decide to pick this one up. I thought it was really interesting to weave creepy children into this collection in so many different ways - there's a lot of creativity here.

My top three stories in Daymares were Ride, Baby Mine, and 1st of the Month. Ride genuinely creeped me out, and I loved it. Baby Mine and 1st of the Month were more on the horror comedy side, and both were so much fun. I rated all of the stories in this collection between 3⭐ to 5⭐, so everything was good. I wish a few could have been longer so I could spend more time in them, and that's always a great sign for a short story collection.

As a whole these stories were pretty gruesome, and that's exactly what I was hoping for. Some of these will stick with me for a while, and I can't wait to read more from Kenya Moss-Dyme!