A review by kayleigh_kbooks
Rain by Amanda Sun


Rain Review on K-Books

"If you're going to violate me, I'd appreciate if you wait till I'm naked."

Oh My Gods... This book is absolutely phenomenal!
I have been dying to get my hands on Rain, the second book in the Paper Gods Series, by Amanda Sun since the moment that I finished Ink. I remember back before Ink was released and I was offered an ARC of it and I turned it down thinking it wasn't really my thing. Then after reading glowing reviews of it from friends and other bloggers picked it up after the release... and then kicking myself for not accepting and reading it sooner. It was just so unique and different and good. After finishing I just needed Rain so bad. To find out what would happen to my favourite characters and so I could vicariously visit Japan again. Rain was everything that I wanted and more. It surpassed all of my, already super high, expectations and just utterly blew me away.

Katie has decided to stay in Japan and help Tomohiro fight against the Ink. But as Tomo starts to lose control more and more Katie discovers that her staying just might be making it worse. Discovering a shocking secret about herself that changes everything, trying to help Tomo and trying to stay away from the awful gang who want Tomohiro's power things just got a whole lot more complicated for Katie. She cares about Tomo and he her, but can they fight through the ink to be together or is the ink destined to tear them apart?

Rain was utterly phenomenal. Once again Amanda Sun took my breathe away, not only with her phenomenal magical story, but with the magic of writing about Japan. It really makes me feel like I am there and like I really want to go visit this beautiful place. Amanda's writing is so phenomenal and once again it reminds me of how shocked I was that Ink was her debut because she really is that good. She has a talent and skill that makes you think she has been writing for years and years. She really sucks you in at the start of the book and never once lets your attention go until you have demolished the whole book in one sitting. I adore her writing and story-telling and Amanda Sun is fast becoming a favourite and auto-buy author for me. I don't need to know anything about the book if Amanda Sun's name is on it I am reading it.

Once again I fell in love with the characters of this series. Katie is an amazing protagonist and I adore her. She really goes through a journey of self-discovery in this one and you really experience every shock, surprise and emotion along with her on the journey. Tomohiro... I just love him. He is sweet, romantic and protective. Everything you could possibly want in a book boyfriend. I loved him.
One character surprise I had while reading Rain was I really started to dislike... and then hate... a character I really didn't think I would dislike. Tomo's best friend Shoiri... well she turned out to be an utter bitch in this book and I just wanted to dive in the book and slap her. I really hope that she is in book 3 as little as possible or that she redeems herself in some way.

Rain was the perfect follow up to Ink. Gladly it didn't suffer from "middle-book syndrome". It was in no way a stepping-stone or a unsatisfying build up to the third book. It was amazing. It was packed full of drama, romance, action and intrigue. I couldn't put the book down and when I found myself having to do something else all I was thinking of is when I could pick the book back up and read more. It was excellent and everything that I love in a book. If you haven't read this series yet I highly suggest that you pick this one up. It really is a gem. A unique, and different book that will not only take your breath away with the story but will take you on the trip of a lifetime to Japan.
Utterly phenomenal!

"I love Katie. And if that means I have to suffer to keep her safe then that's what I'll do. If it means I have to stand aside so someone else can take care of her because I can't... I will stand aside. That's what love is."