A review by the_novel_approach
Cold Like Snow by Sita Bethel


~ 2.5 Stars ~

This book will be great for a lot of readers, I know. I can think of several people off the top of my head that I think would love it. If you are looking for a supernatural erotica ménage romance, definitely check this out. Unfortunately, for me it was not what I was in the mood for, and not quite what I was anticipating. I am prefacing the rest of my review by saying, this one really isn’t this particular reader’s tastes. The truth is, I didn’t know this was erotica. Everything I saw had it pegged as a m/m/m paranormal romance, and that is what I was expecting. While it seems like a minor difference, it’s not, at least not for me, and it led to frustration. I have enjoyed several erotica books when the mood strikes, but it’s not usually a go-to for me, and I have to be in a specific head space to get into it, changing what my focus will be and on what I am hoping to get out of the book while reading, and I try to not read reviews when choosing my stories, so I dropped the ball here and chose this based solely on the blurb and the genre. Had I read reviews, I would have known my expectation was dead wrong and adjusted it accordingly before jumping in.

So, why am I saying there is such a difference here from what I expected versus what I read? When I see paranormal romance, I assume it will be a character driven paranormal plot. I expect sexy times, though I don’t generally expect most of the story to revolve around the sex, and the sex itself as the focal point. I would venture to say more than half (probably closer to two-thirds) of the two-hundred plus pages was dedicated to the three protagonists getting it on. If that’s your thing, you will be a happy camper because these guys definitely heat up the page. I tend to select stories with more emphasis on plot and character development, eventually creating my own connection to the story via those areas. I would forgo sexy times on page before I would give up a complex storyline with compelling MCs.

From the moment René found out he had ghosts to being in a relationship with them was surprisingly fast, which is not a bad thing. Some of my favorite books have MCs who waste no time jumping into the sack first, and the romance builds afterwards. It’s just that those moments that shape the foundation for a romance, where they were just getting to know one another on an emotional level, were rare here, and seemed rushed. I felt I was being told about rather than experiencing those moments firsthand, which is one of my favorite things in a story. What this meant for me is that the story lacked the groundwork I needed to become invested in their relationship. I found myself wanting to know more about them individually, as well as about the story on the whole. I knew how they were when they were scorching up the sheets, and while it admittedly was smokin’hot, it wasn’t enough. To be fair, there are glimpses into their growing romance and feelings, and a few areas in the world building that were fleshed out, but a lot of the things I love to read about were skimmed over in favor of the bedroom activities.

By the end of the story I don’t feel I really got to know most of the characters beyond a rippling of the surface. I never got a feeling for Marcus and Bastion, or their past, with the exception of the flashbacks René experienced, which remained vague as there was little talk about what René witnessed during those times. I would have loved to delve deeper into some of the issues portrayed, to get an understanding of them independently and then as a couple. It would have helped me a long way in appreciating the story more. Told from René’s perspective, he was a little more defined through his internal dialogue. Still there was that something missing from making him a fully fleshed out character—little factors that could have easily been explored but instead were not expanded on or explained at all, like what he did for a living. The minor details that were overlooked in his case would have added complexity to his character, making him stronger and appealing more to my reading tastes.

So basically, if you are looking for a ménage erotica novel with tons and tons of steamy scenes heating up your page, and with a paranormal twist, grab this sucker up. If you are in the mood for a more complex paranormal plot and world building, with emphasis on character development to go with the romance, like I was when I picked up Cold Like Snow, I’d suggest taking a pass.

Reviewed by Lindsey for The Novel Approach