A review by michaelrgoodwin
Hearts of Monsters by Jeremy Megargee


A story told from four different perspectives simultaneously, HEARTS OF MONSTERS is a truly impactful and thought-provoking book. It is also full of gore, scares and horrifying moments, and all of it together makes this book stand out from any other book I've read recently.

We follow a werewolf, a ghost, a vampire and a witch in each of their own elements, doing what they do best: being monsters. One by one, they each get a unique calling to a far away house, one that beckons them and promises to fulfill their unique and darkest desires. When they arrive, they each discover that things are not what they seem.

This story shifts from character to character with each turn of the page. The quickly rotating perspectives at first was a little challenging to follow, but you fall into a rhythm the more of it you read, and that's when it sinks its teeth into you.

A powerhouse despite its relatively short length, this book was hard to put down. It stayed with me for days after I finished it, and it challenged the way I think. Not many books have done that, recently or not, and I was thoroughly impressed.