A review by julieann_4
The Retreat by Sarah Pearse


hard DNF @45% - i really really hate dnf-ing books because even if i don’t like it i want to get to the end, like maybe it’ll get better, or maybe im absolutely right but at least i know. i couldn’t even do that for this book though. is each chapter 4 pages long? yes. but that is the ONLY thing going for it. the backstory is so over the top, the mystery/thriller aspect of it just wasn’t there, and the characters are so annoying. i actually tried SO SO HARD to like it even a little cuz i got it as a gift but literally one of the worst books i’ve ever read.

that’s not even mentioning the fact that this book put me in the BIGGEST reading slump i have ever been in before. i will only finish this if all the other books in my house disappear.