A review by kate_elizabeth
Friendship by Emily Gould


I was thinking about this book on my run this morning and I got all newly annoyed about it so I'm coming back to edit my original review. Dammit, Gould.

This book was recommended by a couple of magazines and has a fairly decent review on goodreads (which I should learn not to trust, really) (eh ok it doesn't really even have that, on second glance). I cannot imagine why. Even if chick-lit is your thing - it's sometimes my thing; I have a weak spot for Jennifer Weiner and really who doesn't want a fluff book now and then - I can't imagine what you'd see in this book. It's just BAD. The plot is barely there, but more importantly than that, the characters are awful.

Amy is a shitty person. She's selfish and self-absorbed. Her boyfriend, Sam, is a douche. Her best friend gets pregnant from a one-night stand - the guy, Steve, is a douche - and decides to have the baby because it'll be a nice catalyst for her to change her life. A NICE CATALYST. Prior to deciding to have the baby, Amy and Bev try to sell the baby to a couple upstate. Jason, the husband, is a douche. Sally, the wife, is also kind of a self-absorbed asshole. Bev and Amy's friendship, the book's central relationship, undergoes some strife during Bev's pregnancy, mostly because they're both busy being assholes. And then it ends. With some text-message hearts. That is not a euphemism.

Best part of the book: Amy's cat. His name is Waffles. She ignores him while she looks at pictures of cats on tumblr.

I gave it 2 stars instead of 1 because I didn't hate reading it at the time. I thought it would get better, get more interesting, wrap up in some way that was likeable or entertaining. I also read it on the porch in perfect Southern-fall weather while drinking a lime-flavored La Croix. That was nice.

Don't read this.