A review by mundinova
The Complete Stories by Flannery O'Connor


A blow to the soul. You'll question so much after reading O'Connor's short stories

Whether they're short or long, all the stories are good. Nothing feels like it was written as filler or as an experiment that didn't quite work. O'Connor has an immense talent for making the mundane extraordinary.

The most impactful story was "A Good Man is Hard to Find." I knew this was O'Connor's most famous story, but I didn't know why. Now I know why. Holy moly. What a gut punch to the soul! A comparison of moral codes where southern gentry loses to conviction of "no pleasure but meanness."

Highly recommend this book! I think the best approach is to read stories here and there, not all in one sitting. Read it over a year or two. Maybe on the toilet?

Stories: 4 stars
Writing: 5 stars