A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
Winter Princess by Skye MacKinnon


And another one of those Reverse Harem novels that people advised me turned out to be not as lovely and brilliant as I had hoped it would be. Maybe I'm already spoiled because I've read a few very very good ones and now expect that to be the standard, maybe I'm not in the right mood, it's hard to tell. If not impossible.

Once again I had trouble telling the four guys in the Harem apart. I think it's partly because Wyn never really seems to form a meaningful emotional connection with any of her four guys. They're there, they're hot, they take care of her and protect her and because they shared magic they have this physical bond that makes them long for each other and acting on it. There don't seem to be many meaningful, emotional interactions. And I've discovered that I need that.

Plotwise there were some interesting elements that almost tempt me to order the next instalment of the series. There is a big threat looming over our main character, but since the finale already revealed who it was, that mystery didn't keep me hooked either. I also liked the fact that Wyn had to learn how to use her powers and couldn't just magically wield them and when she did, things went horribly wrong.

Since most of the story played in our world, there wasn't that much world building to be done, but once we entered the magical realm, we truly got a taste of what that realm could be like. It was another element that almost tempted me to order the next book in this series. I'd love to explore the rest of the world and see what is waiting for us there.

But the fact that the characters weren't interesting or distinctive enough and the attraction seemed to be mostly physical and about the sex is not something I really enjoy, so I think I'm just gonna look for another series that might be more my taste!