A review by erinremen
The Great Witch of Brittany by Louisa Morgan


A sweeping tale that follows Ursule, a gypsy girl brimming with a power that has not been seen in her line in centuries. When her mother is set to be burned at the stake for crimes committed by her daughter Ursule sets out to free her. With the guidance of the women that came before her she does just that. Her choice however leave them on the run and in hiding for the rest of their lives. As Ursule ages her powers grow and a longing to pass on the line and the true magic enters her soul. Its a beautiful tale of a long life lived with hardship, love and above all else the magic that courses through her soul. I could not put it down and felt my heart breaking when it was over. I did not read any previous books so I had no idea what to expect, though I would say you absolutely do not need to read them to enjoy this one!