A review by rainelle_barrett
Ena's Surrender by Madeline Martin


Ena’s Surrender, by Madeline Martin. Wow! The author gave us a short story with a powerful impact. The writer shared a romance story of two people from different sides of the border. The writer drew her readers in with the gripping story that will pull at your heart.
This story leads the reader questioning, will all turn out well for main characters? The drama to this romance story leaves you intrigued and wanting Renault and Ena to come together. Forget about duty and what side of the border that you are from. All that matters is what’s in their heart, and what does their soul tell them. Renault is the English guard who attacks Ena’s village.
Ena is the Lass who’s suppose to stay home during her brothers raids as he pilfers for food to feed their hungry bellies. If you are familiar with this writer, you know that she gives her readers strong heroine characters. Ones with brains. That knows how to fight and wield a sword. As the writer shared our couples story, the emotions and heartache of Renault and Ena experiences, leaves the reader rooting for them.
Holding out for that sliver of hope that yes. Maybe this will be the moment for the two to have their moment, but then whack! Some terrible mishap is sitting there waiting in the wind. Waiting to deny them what they truly long for. My fellow readers, I recommend this romantic love story.
Until next time...read on! I voluntary reviewed this ARC after receiving a free gifted copy.