A review by sparklepony503
The Fireman by Joe Hill


This book started off promising and I enjoyed most of the book. There were a few elements that felt a little unfinished or didn't have a big payoff. Especially the ending. The ending was a bit of a let down and I actually had to reread it because I forgot that I had read it before going to bed. That's how anticlimactic the ending is.

I really liked "Carrying" and I thought it was a good set up for the rest of the book. It definitely built up the relationship between Harper and Jakob, making it easier to feel the affects of his betrayal to her and how far off the deep end he really gets. There are some things that never really are explained and probably could have been left out of the book. When John is sick towards the end and is hallucinating that he saw the Freightliner...I just felt like there could have been a bigger pay off from that.

I liked that Harper was an innocent, that she her natural bent is to think the best of people and that she wasn't necessarily jaded. There is a real move towards the anti-hero that is getting a little old and it was nice to see characters that are more or less good.

This book actually reminded me a lot of NOS42 and maybe Christine with a vehicle being one of the main focal points of the story. The freightliner bits in the story were actually really good and I did feel the menace from Jakob the times that the truck comes into play in the story.

Overall I thought it was an enjoyable read, there are parts that aren't fully satisfactory, like Harper and John's relationship, and the ending.

But there are other parts that do make the book worth it like the makeshift family that comes from the relationship between Nick, Harper and Allie.