A review by longtimereader
Turner by Karl Drinkwater


This little Welsh Island is the last place you ever want to visit, in more ways than one. People simply vanish, in horrible ways, never to be found. The first few chapters made that clear. The island is run by a Lord, or maybe it's being run by a witch? Things are a bit chaotic. While some things are cult-like, perhaps it is just that these Welsh people want to be left alone.(Nahhh!)

Chris, David and Meghan are just a few of the people who have come to the island. David is an officer, he is there to replace the last missing officer. Meghan wanted a vacation. Chris, well he has some secrets. The mastermind behind things was about what I thought that person would be. The main means of control is a rather interesting one on morbid, yet scientific level. The blood and guts parts - sigh. I don't care for that, just kind of brisk right through that. The Welsh parts, I really liked those. I had no problem with the English/Welsh/British tone of this book. The details were well written in the places that they needed to be.

I appreciated the careful cataloging for the ending but I wanted a different thing or two to happen. The Turner didn't quite turn out like I hoped. I would have liked it a lot more if the ending were not like it is currently. My copy came from Story Cartel in exchange for my honest review and nothing more.