A review by misha_ali
The Girl Next Door by Cecilia Vinesse


Surprisingly, I enjoyed this a lot. There's a lot of focus on the idea of making up for a life that is cut short because of you, similarly to [b:I Keep My Exoskeletons to Myself|60679392|I Keep My Exoskeletons to Myself|Marisa Crane|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1648063139l/60679392._SY75_.jpg|95655500] in theme because of a child carrying the guilt and burden of resulting in the death of their mother during childbirth.

That said, the supporting cast is decently developed, which is always great, but the love interest is not really aside from tossing in things about them such as OCD and anxiety in the past but not really having much relating to these issues on-stage for direct impact on the story.

A solid YA read, and I appreciate that the main character is a bit of a Dawson-esque movie subgenre nerd aspiring to film school and making a difference with her art.