A review by ori_gina_lity
Song of Myself by Walt Whitman


I'll be reading a lot of poetry over the next few weeks for this course I'm currently taking - most are just single poems but I'm counting a Walt Whitman's Song of Myself as a book in my 2013 reading challenge, since it is of substantial length and took me three days to read all the parts.

Let it be noted that this is by no means a critical review. This is my first Whitman and my overall impression of his work is positive. So much light comes from it. The way he catalogs his surroundings and democratically shares his own "self" with the world is wonderful. Occasionally, I felt parts of the poem rambled and would drift off the path, a trait in poetry, and Whitman specifically, that I can only enjoy for so long before I want to rein the words back in... conciseness is nice sometimes! BUT I liked it!