A review by snoopydoo77
Doctor Sleep by Stephen King


It has been way to long since I read a Stephen King book, so I was way overdue.  I loved the Shining and figured I dive back into the world of King with this sequel to The Shining.
To read this book, you don’t need to read The shining but some basic knowledge doesn’t hurt of the previous book.

In this book we meet Danny again but he now is grown –up and of course goes by Dan.

Early on it is clear that the Overlook Hotel left some scars with him and he still has the shining as well. But he has not dealt with it very well and fallen down the path of an alcoholic.  He arrives in a small town (King and small towns…..lol ) and life is starting to look better once he meets people and he gets a job and makes friends.  He also is been told that life will come to a full circle and so it really all begins………

We meet Abra as soon as she is born and it is very clear that she is a very special little girl, but in the beginning we have no clue how truly special she is and how it will all tie together.  

It took me a couple chapters to get into it but once there and was  a nice flow and the writing was great. It was very fast paced but and followed multiple characters but yet was easy to follow.

It was not really as scary as The Shining, it was more creepy and gave me goosebumps more than once but not really scary. The main bad guy or guys in this case was also a bit of a letdown I thought. Not scary and overall I was kind of bored with The True Knot thing after a while. In the beginning I was confused over them, then we knew more and it was sort of interesting but after a while it just got too long for me with the True Knot group.

I really enjoyed Dan and Abra, both were great , even funny at times. I loved the bond they shared. Abra had spunk and I wouldn’t have minded fast forward to when she is an adult but I have a feeling that in one way or another it just comes back to a full circle.

The end was pretty good and almost peaceful, which I enjoyed.

Overall I thought it was a great book and I'm glad that I read it, while not as scary as some of his books, this is still an awesome book and I recommend it to any Stephen King fan.

I rate it 4 ★