A review by liralen
Far from Fair by Elana K. Arnold


Not a full review, just a couple of questions:

SpoilerDo kids of that age (roughly twelve and eight) really need to know not only that their grandmother is dying but that she's decided on voluntary euthanasia? I guess I can see Odette being told, partly because she already seems pretty dialed in on what's going on in her family, but I'm sort of surprised that they didn't wait to tell Rex until he was older and could better understand.

And...does the RV seem like overkill to anyone? Just...it sort of seems like they could have packed themselves into a car and spent a few days driving to Odette's grandmother's, maybe a bit longer if they wanted to camp and the like, rather than saying 'this is our new home! Get used to few possessions and no privacy!' I think the expectation is that they'll really live in the RV, but at the end of the day the family basically takes a summer trip before they decide where to move.