A review by shannonleighd
Birds of Prey, Volume 5: Soul Crisis by Christy Marx, Jonathan Glapion, Robson Rocha


No more Birds of Prey : (

I want a Strix/Mother Eve offshoot.

Strix appears in another series, [b:Secret Six|25810101|Secret Six, Vol. 1 Friends in Low Places|Gail Simone|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1453059303l/25810101._SY75_.jpg|45666144], but I'm not sure I want to read another [a:Gail Simone|45103|Gail Simone|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1266594414p2/45103.jpg] title.

At least now Batgirl is on her own again. Screw Black Canary - she's just way too selfish and mopey. Condor would've done them both favors if he'd just let Ra's team kill
. Also, wtf happened to Starling? This series was more fun when she was in it.

Not the worst New 52 title but definitely nowhere near the best. Probably wouldn't lose much, even if you like these characters, if this series was just skipped.