A review by janetted
Dingo Run by Jack Byrne


I love books set in the Australian Outback, and to combine that with my love for historical settings, this one is a win-win for me. I really enjoy the tension and danger the 19th century brings to a story, especially one in this genre. I mean, seriously, the Outback is perilous enough, but to add to it the possibility of Mark and Jim's relationship being discovered? Not to mention they're not exactly good at keeping it on the down low, if you know what I'm saying. ;)

In Dingo Run, Mark and Jim find themselves facing certain death on murder charges until a turn of events has them on the run. I enjoyed the action and adventure Byrne infused into the story; the sense of desperation and urgency these guys feel is palpable. It's always great when an author achieves just the right balance of romance and action, and I feel Byrne got it just right in this one. He even manages to throw in a couple of steamy encounters that really heat things up. I think our excerpt is proof of that. ;)

The Bushrangers series is a string of novellas, but don't think that means it's short on story or details. If anything the shorter nature just adds to the draw, since you're getting a great story with a pretty minimal time commitment. It's easy to get lost in the pages and before you know it, the current installment is drawing to a close. Byrne does an excellent job connecting you to the characters, their surroundings and their predicament. It's definitely worth checking out.

3.5 stars

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