A review by literally_laura
Unmasking the Ripper by Casia Courtier, Erin Lee, Mary Duke, T. Elizabeth Guthrie, R.L. Weeks, M. Rain Ranalli, Amy Cecil, Angie Wade


Okay. Not what I expected when I heard anthology. I assumed multiple short stories about similar topics. Nope. This is one story from different points of view, each POV a different author. Okay. Cool. Collaboration.
I really enjoyed this... Until the end. The last bit... I don't want to spoil but... I dont even understand what happened. Like, I get the gist, but I spent most of the last "story" wondering if it have amnesia and forgot like 90% of the stuff that happened before. Maybe the asylum broke Scarlet? What portal? What do the Queen and her nephew have to do with anything? How is someone from 1800s Scarlet's aunt? I'm so confused. Very disappointing end to an otherwise wonderful book.

Now I need to go pop an Advil for the headache this gave me.