A review by ineffablebooks
Fragments of the Hole by Paul McDermott


Quote from 'Asleep/Awake':
"The other me laughed loudly,
And trapped me in my sleep
And left me like a shadow,
On those softly padded feet.
In my bed I saw him wake,
My mother brought him tea,
And to this day he lives my life,
Pretending to be me."

A collection of short poems and tales that has the same familiarity as Neil Gaiman or even a touch of Shaun Tan, with delicate little illustrations throughout, including the stories:
'The Story of the Boy & the Goat'
'Bread Girl & the Sparrow' (you will never trust birds again)
'The Girl Who Cried an Ocean'
'The Man who Thought (He was a Fog)'
'The End'

'Asleep/Awake' was stunning and ethereal yet disturbing, the quote above is just a few lines from it, so I highly recommend reading the rest.
Short and tiny sized, this little book and all its gorgeous pictures is a gem!