A review by willac
Far From True by Linwood Barclay


Linwood Barclay is one of my favorite authors, and I enjoyed this book. I did think, though, that there was an awful lot of stuff going on. It was a little hard to keep track of all the characters and various storylines. Even though it could probably be read as a standalone, it would definitely be helpful to have read several of Mr. Barclay's books, including the first book in the Promise Falls trilogy, "Broken Promise."

In this novel, the big event that starts everything rolling is the collapse of a drive-in movie screen. The theater was due to be demolished, but it was full on that night for the last show before it was torn down. No one is sure if it was a crime or an accident, and as it is investigated, many secrets are revealed, sparking new investigations by both a private detective and the police department. In fact, there were so many things going on that I had a hard time remembering who was who.

In any event, I enjoyed the book and will definitely be reading the third one in this trilogy.

I was provided a free copy of this book by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.