A review by tatexeira
The Book of Blood and Shadow by Robin Wasserman


I really liked this book. It was different than I thought it would be. When I hear blood in a title I automatically think vampires, however this book wasn't really supernatural at all. It was definitely fiction but on a strictly human basis. I really liked the first half a lot more than the second. I found the parts where Nora was translating the text really interesting. I like how connected she felt to Elizabeth and how similar the two were. I also loved how she and Chris interacted. I spent the whole book wishing that Chris would somehow come back, even as a bad guy, because I liked him so much. Once the characters got to Prague I started to not be as interested. I did like the part where they were looking for Elizabeth's clues but the whole secret society things weren't that interesting to me. I figured out the stuff about Max and Eli before it happened but it was still a good twist to the story. I didn't see the Adriane and Max thing coming. After that I thought Adriane was a scumbag friend and I'm glad Nora saved her but didn't let things go back to normal. I would have liked a chapter or two on what happened when they got back to the states and what happened to the Hoff but overall a good stand alone read.