A review by meezcarrie
The Hearts We Mend by Kathryn Springer


Warmth exudes from every page of Kathryn Springer’s The Hearts We Mend. The characters will set up camp in your heart and may even start refurbishing it if you aren’t careful. Humor, love, and several poignant twists make this a truly enjoyable and inspiring read. It’s loaded with some great symbolism if you’re paying attention, a couple of pretty swoonworthy kisses, and lots of adorable little-girl twirling! Jack and Evie together are just … dreamy sigh. Jack by himself would be dreamy-sigh-worthy enough but Jack in love with Evie is completely twitterpating. In fact, I’m still smiling over the epilogue. But as much as I adored the romance (still fanning, as a matter of fact), the deeper meaning – the symbolism – remains my favorite part of the story. Just like the storefront that Jack is restoring, there is more to Jack than meets the eye. And much like Evie added a bit of variety to Jack’s dinner menu, her presence added some flavor to his life – and his neighbors – as well. Fans of Denise Hunter will enjoy this series too!

Note: This is the second book in the BANISTER FALLS series and, while it can easily be read as a standalone, it did take a few pages to orient myself to people and events – something that probably would have been unnecessary if I had read the previous book.

(I received a copy of this book in exchange for only my honest review.)

Read my full review at Reading Is My SuperPower