A review by alittlebirde
Iron Gold by Pierce Brown


It took me about 16 days to read this book. Not because it wasn’t exactly what I had hoped for, but because it was. I am forever living with this stunning and ignited universe inside of my heart. There have been very few authors that I carry like this...Frank Herbert & Dune, Patrick Rothfuss & The Kingkiller Chronicles, JK Rowling & Harry Potter, NK Jemisin & The Broken Earth Trilogy, Tolkien & LOTR, and Martin & A Song of Ice and Fire. Pierce Brown is now synonymous with the great writers of science fiction and fantasy and world building. I was so enraptured by Iron Gold that I did as best I could to delay the ending. And damn, what an ending it was.

Pierce Brown, Darrow, Sevro, Mustang, Pax, Apple, House Raa, Volga, Lysander, Tongueless, all the Howlers, Victra, Ephraim, Lyria, House Telemanus...I cannot wait to see you again. Bloodydamn soon, I hope.