A review by authorkmg
Marking Time by April White


from pagetrotter.blogspot.com

Let's hear it for a YA female lead that isn't boy obsessed and a complete moron! WAHOO!! Sure that may seem harsh, but let's be honest here. When was the last time we read a YA fantasy/paranormal/anything with a romantic element (although really if there's any romance in the story, it usually over shadows the entire plot. Therefore leaving readers (me) with a "eh" book) where the heroine wasn't completely ruled by hormones? Y'all does she fall in love? I guess? She feels something strong, but is wary. WHICH I LIKE. In fact when our hero is all "I love you" she's like, "dude chill, it's been a minute." LOVE THAT. This may seem like a very minor detail to harp on, but I'm not kidding you guys. So many female leads start off kick ass and strong. They are bucking the system, breaking necks and cashing checks! It's awesome! Then Johnny Two-Dimples and Wavy Locks saunters (because doesn't he always?) into the room and it's like common sense was a thing of the past. Anyway, Saira pretty much stays on the ass kickery trend for the majority of the book. This makes me very excited for the series!

As far as the world building within, it was amazing. Talk about sucking you in immediately. I love the time traveling aspect, it really is one of the better done time traveling books I've ever read. It's handled very well and if there were info gaps, I couldn't find any. I also got my degree in History so I tend to stay away from historical books because (and I'm not saying everyone does this) research into time periods tends to fall to the wayside. Not cool. NOT. COOL. White, however, stayed very true to the time periods she explored. I loved it. It helps that she's very eloquent with description because it allowed me to picture every detail of the locations and people our characters encountered. The whole experience was very magical. All the supporting characters are fantastic. I'm interested in everyone. Although I have to confess, I'm harboring a HUGE crush on Mr. Shaw!

In my opinion this was one of the strongest starts to a series I've ever read and I'm totally hooked on this writer's style. She's a weaver of tales! Highly recommend to everyone who loves adventure, time travel, fantasy, SciFi, historical fantasy, etc...