A review by queerlyreading
Keep Me Close by R.M. Virtues


Keep Me Close by R. M. Virtues is one of the best books that I’ve ever read. I know that I will never truly be able to do this book justice, and after more than half a year of trying to tackle an adequate review for this book, I’ve given up and accepted that, no matter how hard I try, I’ll never be able to say all the things I want to say.

So instead, I figured I would just say something and hope for the best.

Keep Me Close is the second book in the Gods of Hunger series, following closely after Drag Me Up. In this sequel, we are further introduced to Aphrodite, the feared and worshipped saviour for the lost, and Hephaestus, the one you call when the heroes have fallen and who strengthens the city's weakness.

Aphrodite realizes her usual reckless vigilante tactics won’t keep her safe when unknown enemies nearly assassinate her in her own club. When Hephaestus is tasked with Aphrodite’s personal security, he vows to detach himself from their mutual disdain to keep her safe.

But soon, there isn’t only disdain between them. With their newfound leadership still rocky and danger lurking in the dark, the two of them will have to fight together to keep Khaos Falls, and each other, safe.

Gods of Hunger is one of my favourite series’ in the world. I feel safe saying that having only read the first two novels, because they’re both incredible. Virtues is an extraordinary writer, and I STRONGLY vibe with his writing style. Drag Me Up was one of my favourite books of 2021, but Keep Me Close definitely knocked it down a spot because holy. hell.

There are so very many things that I absolutely adore about this novel, but I want to take some time to gush about Daddy Hephaestus. I don’t know if I’ve ever had such a big crush on a main character? Every time he was on page (which was most of the book) I was swooning a little bit for SO many reasons.

Because not only is he hot as fuck, he’s also exceptionally sweet? Sure, he cares in his own way, but he loves SO much. He loves his family with everything that he is, even those who haven’t shown him as much kindness, and, as the story goes on, he comes to love Aphrodite in such an all-consuming way that it makes my heart flutter.

He is also protective as fuck, and it set my hind-brain off CONSTANTLY. God, I love him.

One of my favourite parts about Aphrodite was how she was so in love with love but… also so cautious with her own heart. I think that it was a balance Virtues struck well. As much as Aphrodite was a romantic and wanted everyone to be in love, she’d been hurt in the past and was cautious when it came to herself.

But when she loves, she loves with her whole heart. Despite the slower-progression to romance in Keep Me Close, I was enthralled with the journey, rooting for our two main characters from start to finish.

One thing I have fallen in love with in the Gods of Hunger series is… literally everything about Khaos falls. I am endlessly fascinated but the world Virtues is crafting and how he’s weaving in all these different characters. It is such an expansive world! Admittedly, I do sometimes have trouble keeping up with it, but not to such an extent that it pulls me from the story. Rather, I occasionally get lost in thought thinking about HOW MUCH planning must have gone into this thing.

On top of dealing with the political happenings of Khaos falls, Keep Me Close was packed with action. I’m almost surprised at JUST how good all the action and intrigue is, because the romance is also top-notch.

We get to see some different family dynamics from the first book, being introduced to characters in Aphrodite’s social sphere and also getting a deeper look at some characters we already knew through Hephaestus. One of my favourite things about this series is the way this family has banded together to keep Khaos Falls running, and the political intrigue that runs through the series is always excellently done.

Speaking of family, special mention to the twins who have stolen my heart completely. I love them. Give me their own book or something!

One of the last things I want to touch in with Keep Me Close is the little touch of reality to the smut. Aphrodite is trans, and doesn’t self-lubricate. This is mentioned for approximately point-five of a second, and then Hephaestus makes sure to have lube at all times, which felt very romantic if I do say so myself.

It was a super validating thing to see!

Keep Me Close is a gripping read with a fully fleshed out plot that makes this so much more than just VERY steamy erotica. While the sex AND romance are both amazingly written, so is the action threaded throughout the story. As a five-star read, I would highly recommend this novel (and this series) to everyone!