A review by laurenjodi
Heart of Iron by Bec McMaster


Heart of Iron
4 Stars

Lena Todd walks among the Echelon in order to gather information for the human resistance. After Lena inadvertently becomes involved in a dangerous web of lies and deceit, Will Carver, a Verewulfen with a price on his head, realizes that he is the only one who can keep her safe despite the fact that it is he who poses the greatest threat to her heart and soul.

The fantastic world building established in the first book continues with more information on the conflicts between the Ecehlon, or Blue Bloods (aristocracy who voluntarily expose themselves to a vampirism inducing virus), the humans (Thralls who provide sex and blood to the Ecehlon, and regular people who are forced to donate blood in the form of a tax), and the Verwulfen (werewolves who are considered little more than beasts and have been exterminated or enslaved).

While the pacing is slow in the beginning, it eventually picks up and the action-packed climax and resolution are exciting and satisfying. Lena and Will’s romance is rocky at first as she comes across as spoiled and childish, and his sexy broodiness does not always compensate for his stoic self-deprication. That said, their relationship improves during the second half of the book when they actually begin to communicate and they have some wonderfully intense and emotional scenes together.

The plot revolving around the human resistance to the Blue-Bloods and the peace negations with the Scandinavian Verwulfen is compelling and it will be interesting to see where the next book goes with this.

All in all, Heart of Iron is a worthwhile read for its superb dystopian and steampunk elements, intriguing plot and solid romance.