A review by sarah1984
Block 46 by Johana Gustawsson


Read 8/1/18 - 13/1/18 keeping track till the read dates glitch is fixed

Second book I read while cruising the South Pacific - Noumea, Mystery Island, and Maré Island.

I enjoyed this more than my first 'cruise book'. It was more focused on the crime and had more graphic details (I like my murders nice and gory and well described!).

I had a suspect picked from nearly the beginning and turned out to be completely wrong, which I was really glad about because the
Spoilerclichéd 'have the heroine sleep with the suspect before he's revealed as the suspect (at least to the heroine), thereby making herself emotionally vulnerable to a serial killer and pulling at ours and her heartstrings when the truth is revealed' trope
is way too easy to pick and I would have been really disappointed if the book had taken that tired route. So yeah, the villain reveal completely surprised me. I was going through all the possibilities as the moment got closer and he wasn't even on the list.
SpoilerThe secondary reveal was even more out of left-field, but it was a great twist that I didn't even see coming.

Did I mention this was gory and graphic? Trust me it is and it bears repeating. If that's not your kind of crime thriller, skip this one. What the killer did to
SpoilerEmily was really disturbing and afterwards I couldn't help but wonder whether she could have it surgically reattached. For looks, I'm sure it's easily done, but not so much for sensation - reconnecting nerves is not an exact science like for bones or even blood vessels.

I was really pleased with the translation, I didn't pick up any mangled well-known phrases or stilted dialogue that didn't flow right. I will definitely be on the lookout for the next book in the series.