A review by pixiejazz
Shadows And Teeth, Volume 3 by David Owain Hughes, Duncan P. Bradshaw, Ramiro Perez de Pereda, Guy N. Smith, Antonio Simon Jr., Adam Millard, Nicholas Paschall, Nathan Robinson, S.J. Deighan, Richard Ayre


Shadows & Teeth Volume 3 is a collection of ten short horror stories, all with a different vibe to them. Some of them are crazy, over the top bloody messes, and some are just plain strange and weird. They're all unique in their own special way.

I think my favorite story out of the ten is probably Tree Huggers. It's one of the crazier ones that has some gore in it. Basically some friends who feel the need to protest deforestation are royally screwed when they become the prey to a creature of the woods. It kind of reminded me a little of Alien in a way. I really enjoyed it.

Another one I really liked was Picture Not So Perfect. It's a bit strange, but also kind of...well, it's hard to describe. An abused child gets his revenge, but there's so much more to it than that. I love a good revenge story, and although this one was short, it packed a pretty big punch.

There were a couple of stories I thought were just ok. They weren't my style, and I wanted more from them. Like the first story, Cannibal House. I had high hopes for it, but it didn't quite go how I expected, so I was a little let down. However, it's not a bad story.

The Screaming was a story that just angered me, mostly because of what happened. It made me want a sequel involving a lot of revenge.

And (Sub) Routine kind of confused me. It was a weird story. I wasn't sure how I felt about it.

Overall, this collection of horror stories was pretty amazing. I love horror, and I think it's my favorite genre (I grew up reading so many horror authors - King, Ketchum, Garton, Laymon, etc). None of these stories disappointed, although I wanted a little more from a couple of them. I'd definitely be keen on reading more stories from these authors.

I give Shadows & Teeth 4 stars, and I definitely recommend it to other fans of horror.