A review by onebookmore
Frozen Hearts and Death Magic by Day Leitao


Frozen Hearts and Death Magic is the first book in what promises to be an exciting and romantic new series by Day Leitao. Political intrigue, manipulation, and maneuvering create an intense world where the stakes are very high for each character.

I really liked the characters, and their stories and situations drew me in pretty quickly. Fel is my favorite. He and Leah have difficult journeys, and they are both tried in the most terrible of ways. Fel is so honorable and decent and kind, and his self-sacrificing nature, as well as his conflicted feelings for Leah, propel him. Leah is stronger than others credit her for, and it’s a good thing. She suffers so much through the story, and it is intense! In fact, you might want to check the content warnings before starting the book because there are some aspects of the story that could trigger readers.

River and Naia are also well-developed, dynamic protagonists. River has a lot of secrets, much to Naia’s frustration. He is as mysterious as the fae world he takes her to, and it’s interesting to see Naia slowly learn more about him and his kingdom. Naia longs for freedom and independence, and I like that she sees these things in River. However, there are times when she seems almost as trapped with him as she was with her family. I’m eager to see how their relationship develops in future books, as their love story is bound to be as epic as Fel and Leah’s.

Fel, Leah, Naia, and River all have so many expectations thrust upon them, often because of events that happened long before they were born. I like how the family histories and past events slowly revealed. So much of what happened in the past defines their present and predicts the future. It’s so fascinating! Each family has their secrets, some more deadly and malicious than others, and the way they all connect and affect each other creates a well-woven and paced story.

There are two romances in this story, which is great for a romance lover like me. I’m a sucker for a swoon-worthy love story, and there is one in particular that I really liked. Both couples have their fair share of obstacles, and they both struggle with communication, secrets, betrayals, and more. I do wish their romances were developed a bit more, but I have a feeling this will happen as the series progresses. However, it’s clear that both couples care for each other and want a future together however impossible that may seem.

The world-building is another part of the story that I really enjoyed. Each place introduced is so unique and different from the others, and I found them each to be vivid and intriguing. It’s interesting how the magnificence of one kingdom contrasts the humbleness of another and how each had such different goals and motivations. It definitely shows what each kingdom values. I’m really curious to learn more about rivers world. It’s so fascinating, and there’s so much more to unpack.

Frozen Hearts and Death Magic is a great start to the Of Fire and Fae series, and after the twists and turns and surprise revelations, I’m eager to read the next book and see what happens to all four protagonists as their journey continues. Thanks so much to Day Leitao for sending me a copy of the book. All thoughts are my own.