A review by lizella
The End Has Come by John Joseph Adams, Hugh Howey


I kept my eye out for the release of the final book in this anthology series and was pleased when it popped up in my Kindle library. I thoroughly enjoyed the first two and was not disappointed in the final installment. As noted in the foreward, most of the stories included in the book are continuations of stories from the other two books with a few good stand-alone stories thrown in. There were a few stories that I was eagerly anticipating and was able to remember all the details and some that took a moment to reconnect as the world had moved on in unexpected ways.

I think the most interesting thing I realized is that I anticipated this to be my favorite book in the series, but I may have actually enjoyed the first or second installments more. I think it has something to do with anticipation and knowing that with the close of the book, this universe of stories is now complete. I applaud the stand-out vision and effort that went into creating this series and the quality of the storytelling.