A review by azieyosabor
180 Devotions to Hush Your Inner Critic: Positive Inspiration for Your Heart & Soul by Donna K. Maltese, Donna K. Maltese, Donna K.


this book is like a cozy hug for your soul. it's got 180 devotions to kick your inner critic to the curb and remind you that God’s got your back.

i mean, who doesn't have that annoying inner critic, right? this book is like your guide to shutting that voice up. super encouraging, especially on those “i can't even” days.

each devotion tackles a specific topic, backed up with perfect bible verses. and get this – little affirmations too! it's like a daily boost for your spirit.

and let's talk about the aesthetics – pure eye candy. the colors and graphics are like a warm fuzzy blanket. opening the pdf file felt like getting a big, comforting hug. it's so pleasing to the eyes, and it vibes so well with the awesome content.

totally stoked i got to read the arc. this one's gonna be a recommendation from me for sure.