A review by insearchof_wonder_
The Ladies of Ivy Cottage by Julie Klassen


There are a lot of things I love about this book and series, but this particular book, to me, fell short of Julie Klassen's usual standard. I think what most bothered me was the lack of real emotional depth, which is unusual for Klassen. I didn't really feel as engaged with the story and characters this time. I also felt like a lot of the dialogue was too modern and not as reflective of the time as I have come to expect from her.

However, I love this idea of shabby genteel women making a go of it by supporting themselves in creative ways. Although I love a good duke-and-heiress Regency, I appreciate much more a realistic look at everyday people doing everyday things. In that way, it's much like a Jane Austen novel.

I also loved the main character in this book, Rachel. I really loved her complex mixture of pride and timidity that grew over the course of the book into an equally complex mixture of confidence and humility.

I'm assuming the next book will tell us more of Mercy's story, and I'm looking forward to that!