A review by missybblio
Eat for the Planet: Saving the World One Bite at a Time by Gene Stone, Nil Zacharias


The first thing that struck me about this book is its colors. The book is printed in a black, green and white tone that feels very trendy and pleasing. Flipping through the book there are a lot of images and graphs that catch the eye and make reading through it very easy.

This book is filled with more facts and information than you will know what to do with on the first read, but it is presented in a way that is not dry and has an underlying humor. This is a great book to give to someone considering a meat free lifestyle, or even for someone who just wants to add a little fuel to their environmentalist fire. The information in this book made issues with the meat industry very real and comprehensible, and encourages readers to imagine a future where we are not able to curb our current consumption.

The only reason I am not giving this book the full 5 stars is because from a skeptics point of view, some of the sections where the writers are imagining our future feel a bit like hokie conspiracy and I think the message would thrive without those details!