A review by tortorreads
Nobody But Us by Laure Van Rensburg


Nobody But Us
By: Laure Van Rensburg
Rating: 4/5

This book was not what I thought it was when I started it. When I first started reading Nobody but Us, I thought it would be more of a locked away thriller but nope. There was a plot twist that you may and may not have seen coming, but when it does, I felt that it could have had more. I really can’t explain too much without giving away spoilers, but it was just lacking in something that would have made the whole book pop. I did love the plot twist, the short chapters, the alternating POV (I loved being able to see whose POV was in the beginning of every chapter), I loved the authors writing style; very descriptive and lyrical, however my favorite part of this book would have to be the creepy atmosphere, I loved the middle of nowhere, nowhere to go, no one to hear you setting. Just perfect for a thriller. I did not mind the “sensitive topic” that most would have not liked. I thought it was amazing to see an author write about this important topic and discuss and dissect it.

What I didn’t like was how long it took for something to happen in this book, it was about 45% into the book before we really saw anything happen. I felt that at times it was dragging in a few spots with the dialog and that it was just circling the same things over and over. I did not feel a connection to either character at all, I can understand Ellie's need and want, but I just really could not connect to them.

I want to thank Novel Suspects, Hachette Book Group, and Laure Van Rensburg for my physical ARC published on April 12, 2022.