A review by emmaleigh6692
Le Cœur en balance by Marie Sexton


I'll be honest my review is somewhat colored by the fact that that I went into this book expecting an erotic romance. That is partly my fault and partly goodreads. I was looks at the "Readers Also Enjoyed" section on a book that was MM erotic romance and I assumed that all the books in that would have fallen into the same category. It was a good story, I will give it that, but it was definitely not what I was looking for. I could be wrong because I don't read regular romance much anymore, but I did feel that even for that category the sex/page count ratio was low. And the book didn't need both plots. With both of them having such major issues the book was a real downer. If you're looking for a heart-wrenching friendship turned romance between two men, you'll probably enjoy it. Unfortunately it wasn't exactly what I was looking for.