A review by sam_hartwig
What's Left of Me by Kat Zhang


I had high hopes for this book. I was really looking forward to reading it because it sounded so interesting. Unfortunately it wasn't as good as I had hoped. I don't know what it was about this that I didn't like. Maybe it was the worldbuilding, I couldn't get sucked into it because a lot of things weren't really explained. Like why society decided to get rid of their other souls? What's so wrong with having another soul? I know it's picky but neither the mystery behind why or the characters were engaging enough to make me want to gobble it up.

The book is from Eva's point of view even though she is the soul hidden within Addie. It was very easy to get used to the idea of two people living within one body and I think it's very unique. I really liked Eva and I feel bad for rooting for her to take over their body because that meant Addie would be the one stuck inside.

This book felt more sci-fi than dystopian to me, which I have to say I really liked! I don't normally read sci-fi books but this may have opened up a whole new genre for me.

Overall I did like it and will most likely read the next book in the series but the story & characters weren't flawless in my eyes.

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