A review by trish204
Extinction by D.J. Molles


So this is the end. Hmmm. Probably better this way.
As already mentioned at the beginning of my review for the previous / penultimate novel of this series, I used to be a fan. Then the indie-author got a deal with a publisher and not only the gorgeous covers of the books changed after that, sadly. It's as if he was compelled to stretch the story as much as possible or even take another direction altogether (which would explain him ending the series here and re-starting it, still with Lee as the MC) in a kind of spin-off series. *scratches head*

Sadly, Mr. Molles will never get to tell me what all the pregnant infected (zombies) mean, how it is scientifically possible, why it is happening or any of the other stuff hinted at that wasn't resolved in the 6 books I've read (probably done to keep readers interested enough to start the spin-off series).
The reason is simple and yet sad: I'm tired.
Tired of everyone whining, tired of the same things happening over and over again. Yes, people usually repeat their mistakes but do I need to read about that all the time?! Besides, one conflict in this series seems to be going down pretty much like the next (and not even the special forces guys adept accordingly). New people arrive, people are wary of one another, then they gain each others' trust following which one side betrays the other resulting in some dying ... rinse, repeat. Even the way people betray or how they behave before that (what they say, what they do) was mostly the same.

I have to admit that this last novel was more fast-paced than the last. Probably because there was less talking about our feelings and such nonsense. However, maddeningly, people still needed to hold hands and sing kumbaya.
Lee still was torn up inside over the most normal stuff (like killing Kyle who more than had it coming - that confession scene ... I wanted to punch the wall).
The horde from the north is still coming because nothing was done in the previous book but now people at least kick into gear (after wasting precious resources *rolls eyes*). The point is: it's not rocket science! It's the zombie apocalypse so of course resources will dwindle and you need to conserve especially meds and ammo as well as fuel for planes and stuff. If I can think of that, I'm sure Marines and special forces guys should be able to as well. *sighs*

For anyone still caring about the characters and events, be warned: there is no actual resolution here. No real end in sight. Though at least there finally is the battle with the Followers (it was a loooong time coming).

The actual fighting was very good (suspenseful, realistic) but once again, I found myself no longer being too invested in whether or not certain people were going to survive or if the Followers won, continuing to rape minors and all the other shit they were doing.
The highlight was when
SpoilerSam and Abbey, of all people, got to kill that bitch of a nurse, Jenny, after she had completely lost her marbles because she couldn't handle the Greg-situation resulting in her getting infected
Sadly, not all on my list got what they deserved.

Anyway, after years of looking forward to the respective next installment and crying for Zeus in the first novel even more than for Bus in the third, after hoping frantically that Deuce would survive (yes, my heart was hitched to the dogs much more than to any human but can you blame me?), I'm very sad that after such a strong start this petered out the way it did. I had to almost force myself to finish the series (thanks, OCD) and that is kinda emotionally devastating. :/